Why I Hate Reading

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Reading and I have an “it’s complicated” sort of friendship. Overall, I kinda hate reading, but you can see me enjoying a book, sometimes. Most of the time, I’d rather not read than read. Even I confuse myself with this; not really, but it’s still pretty confusing. I don’t like reading, in simple terms, and I’ve never been a very good reader. I get too bored when it comes to reading. I hate reading when it’s not for fun, and I hate reading books I didn’t choose to read. The whole time our class read The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie (ATD), I couldn’t enjoy it since I really don’t like books the whole class is assigned to read. If I’m reading a book against my will, it’s not gonna be something I enjoy, especially when it comes to whole class books; those books are just so hard to enjoy. Just let me read, a book I picked, in my own free time, alone, and then I can reading. When it comes to picking books on my own, I’m a super picky reader, even on my leisure time. The books I most frequently enjoy are graphic novels and comics; sometimes there’s also the occasional chapter book, but that’s rare. The Maze Runner by James Dashner is one of the only chapter books I truly enjoyed reading; I was so enticed by it, and …show more content…

That wasn’t any hard number, but now I struggle to reach 50 pages a week. Reaching page counts like 454, which was my highest page count for any week this year, wasn’t a challenge; I just read my two graphic novels, and the ATD assigned reading. Graphic novels are very easy readings, being only about 200 or so pages long, with pages filled with pictures; honestly, the words in my graphic novels only equal about 50 pages of a normal chapter book. I’m technically still getting the same weekly amount of reading, I just no longer have the photos to fill pages with; instead, I’m now reading an actual chapter book: Miles Morales Spider-Man by Jason

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