Why High School Should Start Later Essay

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Going to school early in the morning can create a lot of good things to happen to teens, and also some bad things. For example, according to the National Sleep Foundation, a teen getting enough sleep is very important because it helps them manage their stress of being a teen. Because middle school and high school is starting as early as 7 o’clock, kids are starting to go to bed really late and waking up really early. It is proven by the National Sleep Foundation that only about 15% of all teens get 8-10 hours of sleep each night like they are supposed to. That can cause kids to fall asleep during class throughout the school year. The last thing that school starting early can cause, is kids and their parents getting hurt on their way there. Teens need to be getting about 8-10 hours or sleep each night so that they can be recharged for the next school day. But because they are getting older and starting to go to bed later than they should be, they are also waking up early to make sure they have enough time to get ready for school. By doing this, they are starting to lose sleep which can cause a lot of stress. And if teens aren’t taught how to handle stress the right way, they can take it amongst other people, which can cause loss of friends and could …show more content…

It is proven by the Kid Source Online that 15% of teens fall asleep during their school year. If kids were to fall asleep during class, they are most likely to not listen to what is being taught. By not hearing what is being taught, they will most likely get a bad grade. And once they start to get bad grades, they might start to fall behind and might even start to fail the class. Failing classes can lead to having to make up a lot of work, maybe even having to retake the class, and it can also give them a lot of stress with getting bad

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