Why Does Edgar Allan Poe Use Of Conflict

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Have you ever read Poe’s stories? What about The Fault in Our Stars by John Green? If not, you most definitely should for multiple reasons. Besides them being great reads, they also are examples of writing in which the author uses conflict to develop the characters. Three Poe stories in which characters development occurs through conflict are “Hop-Frog”, “The Masque of Red Death”, and “The Tell Tale Heart”. “Hop-Frog” is a story in which a king enslaves two dwarves, named Trippetta and Hop-Frog. The king and his seven ministers are constantly harassing these two characters, until Hop-Frog finds the courage to stand up for himself and Trippetta. In “The Masque of Red Death” a man named Prince Prospero tries to create a place for his people to escape the red death, but it all backfires in the end when the red death enters. “The Tell Tale Heart”, a narrator tells his story of how he watched over an old man, but the story takes a creepy turn when it is discovered that …show more content…

Some characters are developed by their ability to positively overcome their conflict. Characters like this can be seen in the form of Hazel from The Fault in Our Stars after Gus dies, the narrator of “The Tell Tale Heart” when he confesses to the police, and Hop-Frog from “Hop-Frog” after he stands up for himself and Trippetta by killing the king. Some of these same characters handle different conflicts negatively. For example, Hazel (The Fault in Our Stars) did not handle her cancer in a positive way, and the narrator of “The Tell Tale Heart” did not handle his strange fear of the old man’s eye in an acceptable way. One other character that poorly handled their conflict was Prince Prospero from “The Masque of Red Death” when he tries to ignore the problem facing his country. Conflict is like the game Monopoly; personality shows through every move you make by revealing you to be either a wimpy or risky

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