Why Do You Think Trampolines Should Be Banned

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What is life without risk? Trampolines have become very beneficial to many people. Jumping on trampolines makes kids happy. Children are also able to be active with trampolines. Overreacted injuries,lack of exercise, and the pure enjoyment has encouraged people to believe that trampolines should be banned.

Although some people find trampolines dangerous but there are some benefits such as getting exercise. Trampolines allow children to get the exercise they need. They can help reduce the amount of children that are struggling with obesity. While using a trampoline daily can help not only children, but adults as well. Trampolines tone muscles and also burn calories.

Not to mention that trampolines also just for pure enjoyment. Trampolines …show more content…

Sports injuries can cause tons of injuries per year. Two million injuries and 500,000 doctor visits and 30,000 hospitalizations each year are due to sports injuries. Also more than 3.5 million kids under the age of 14 receive medical treatment for sports each year. Trampolines are now noticed as safety hazards. If trampolines were banned. Why aren’t sports? Playing a sport is a huge risk as well. While playing a sport people risk all sorts of different injuries such as; dislocations, knee injuries, sprains, swollen muscles.

Trampolines allow children, and adults to get active. Trampolines are very beneficial to everyone. Due to overreacted injuries, lack of exercise, and enjoyment parents believe trampolines are not good for use. Trampolines should be allowed for recreational use.
Bouncing on a trampoline may be serious fun, but a new report says it’s also a serious safety hazard, especially for kids. Close to 100,000 people were injured by trampolines in 2009, and more than 3,000 of those injuries required hospitalization, according to a study in the journal Pediatrics. Although that’s fewer injuries than were reported in 2004, experts say that’s due to a drop in trampoline sales rather than safer

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