Why Do We Need To Change And Adaptation?

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Change and adaptation is a good thing because without it, the world would remain stagnant and would never improve or expand in knowledge or technology. Thomas Sowell stated “We need only recognize that particular products, skills, technologies, agricultural crops, or intellectual concepts accomplish particular purposes better than their alternatives” (Sowell). If it were not for change and adaption, the ability to accept that some practices are more advanced and more easily used then we would not advance as a society; and essentially we would not survive.
Although it is difficult for some to comprehend, we all abandon certain practices of the cultures we were raised with in order to adopt more advanced practices that allow us to compete in today’s society across the world. If it weren’t for the ability for our society to change and …show more content…

Although gay marriage has been long accepted in other cultures, it has only quite recently been allowed by certain states in the United States, and even then so, it has not been widely accepted. If people and corporations refuse to change and adapt to accept the newly permitted marriages of gay persons, then these people will find that the rest of the world will begin to pass them up in society. Sowell states “There is an uphill struggle merely to get acceptance of the fact that large differences exist among peoples…” (Sowell) and Schwalbe states “If it is worth practicing, sociological mindfulness must help us change ourselves and our ways of doing things together, so that we can live more peacefully and productively with others, without exploitation, disrespect, and inequality” (2008, p. 252). I think that both authors see the world in the same light; that people must be willing to change and adapt and be considerate of differences in order for the world as a whole to continue to move

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