Why Do We Celebrate Columbus Day

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Columbus day is a holiday that should have no meaning in the eyes of US citizens. When you think of Columbus you think of the person who founded America. Some might even say that he discovered that the earth wasn't round. Many cities and people say that he should be known for the truth. The truth is that he ruined the lives of thousands and thousands of indigenous people. His actions were based off of greed and just plain inhumane. Not to mention he started the North Atlantic Slave Trade. He created a mass execution. When you ask a person about America and who it was discovered by, sadly many would say that it was Columbus. In actuality, it was really Leif Erickson. Erickson was a Scandinavian Viking who landed on the shores of Canada decades before Columbus was even born. Plus the people known as Native …show more content…

We can still get a day off and celebrate our country in a way that does not require giving this putrid man a day of celebration. Instead of calling October 12th Columbus Day, let us call it Indigenous People's Day. This day can be used for us to remanence on the bad that Columbus did and how we have evolved from what America used to be like. We can also remember the lives of the Natives who were killed for not wanting to be slaves. "'in an effort to reveal a more accurate historical record of the ‘discovery’ of the United States of America,' and to 'recognize the contributions of Indigenous peoples despite enormous efforts against native nations.'" ("9 cities abolish Columbus Day in favor of Indigenous Peoples’ Day"). By changing the holiday's name and what it stands for, we can make a difference in the world. If we change this holiday for the good, Massachusetts and maybe the USA will be able to get past the myths of Columbus and go to the truth about the lives that were destroyed. We can stop teaching the youth what the government wants us to know and teach them what they need to

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