Why Do Students Need Fatigue To Assist In Future Success?

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Why was education the route chosen by many individuals to assist in future success? Whether it is earned through a community college, or an IVY League school, it is something that will remain with students endlessly and provide credentials to achieve goals. However, some view education as an easy way out for individuals who “don’t want to get their hands dirty.” Due to this, society has created generations who view education as unnecessary, which results in education being considered an easy way to get ahead, or a way to use money to ensure success in a chosen career. If education were easy, would students be crippled with debt that will stick around for years to come, face fatigue that many would have never considered imaginable, or risk the chance of wasting all of the effort just to be told that it is all determined by a final letter grade or score? Debt is on the rise for individuals wishing to pursue educational endeavors. Although many students juggle multiple jobs and take advantage of scholarships and grants, funds are still insufficient. This is not uncommon in American, even the lowest tuition is seen as a burden to most. This crippling debt will always linger, and will constantly return when tuition is due again; thousands of …show more content…

Between school, working, children, home upkeep, and all other aspects of a personal life, it seems that a break is impossible. Despite exhaustion, several classes must be taken at once to receive full benefits- to be considered a full-time student, you need a minimum of 4 classes; unless you are a full-time student, you do not receive the full amount of grants and scholarships you would be eligible for (which ties back into students facing debt). In the midst of juggling this all, how could one not be exhausted, both mentally and physically? The fatigue is well worth it for most students, but busy days and short nights are never considered

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