Evaluating Steroid Use in Sports: Cheating or Advantage?

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Steroids in sports have always been frowned upon due to It being considered cheating by many individuals. There are many opinions on the topic of steroids in sport to either it should be completely banned to having lots of drug tests. Others might disagree and say having too many drug tests will cost too much and should only have tests during the season and not in the off-season. Either way you look at it would still be considered cheating. However, limiting steroids use from a professional could also potentially be another solution. If I licensed physician would allow for the use of steroids under his watch, would be a much safer alternative and still allow the athlete to perform in the sport but in a much safer manner. Many people think steroids …show more content…

Even though if steroids did completely get banned, there will still be people who would try to get them somehow, and take them. Alcohol became illegal in the 1920s, and people were still bootlegging drinks, it wouldn’t be any different with steroids. People will try to get wha t they want, it is human nature, that is why people have goals. To some, it can look like a bad thing, but to another, it looks like as if they are doing good. So even when taking steroids, it should be based on the individual’s beliefs. If uneducated on steroids, but still want to take them for their benefit, the physician could help them and answer their questions and prescribe the right supplements to meet the individual’s goals. The legal consequences would be out of the equation, if there were a physician. Drug tests are not cheap, and cannot test for every single drug due to the number of steroids available. It would cost way too much for anyone to afford, and just wouldn’t be worth funding for. For one individual, it would cost roughly 50-150 us dollars per type of test, multiplied to the number of steroids out there. Assume there are 20 types of steroids, just as a small number to get a

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