Why Do Small Towns Need Sustainable Initiatives

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The small towns making a big difference in the move towards sustainability

We heap a lot of praise onto large cities making a difference by adopting greater sustainability initiatives. There’s reason for this praise: in general, people living in close quarters can be better for the environment and with a greater population, there’s more money for sustainability efforts.
Even though small towns, by and large, have been slower to adopt eco-friendly initiatives — many have their own set of woes, like shrinking jobs that have taken precedence— that doesn’t mean it’s impossible. Some small towns have proven to be mighty in their pivot towards sustainable initiatives.

Greensburg, Kansas
After a devastating tornado in 2007, Greensburg used the …show more content…

After that, Greensburg was faced with a choice. They could rebuild with disaster funding to bring things back to the way they were, but that wouldn’t do anything to prepare them better for a disaster in the future.

Greensburg also proved that it’s not the type of community to do things halfway. According to a report by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, they made their goal “100% renewable energy, 100% of the time.”

Their planned initiatives were all laid out in the Greenburg Sustainable Comprehensive Masterplan. The plan also included initiatives to rebuild city buildings to green standards, make the downtown area more walkable, and to include infrastructure that would manage stormwater to avoid a potential flooding disaster.

Eleven years later and Greensburg is doing a great job of following through on their green initiatives and they’re adding more. This December they will be breaking ground on their hotly anticipated Eco-Homes project.

Columbus, …show more content…

South Daytona has earned the designation as a Green Local Government at the Gold Level, as awarded by the Florida Green Building Coalition (FBS).

As you might have guessed, South Daytona’s sustainability efforts have been primarily focused in the building sector. The town was one of only thirteen entities in Florida to win the title. They have reduced emissions by replacing parking lot lights with energy efficient fixtures.

What else did South Dayton do to deserve such an auspicious award? They helped to conserve energy use, used hybrid vehicles, offer a comprehensive recycling program, and they have excellent practices when it comes to landscaping and water irrigation.

These three little towns are making a big difference in our move towards sustainability. If you’re interested in bringing sustainability efforts to your small town, now you can hold Greensburg, Columbus, and South Daytona up as examples of small towns that have made a huge difference. We’ll be hoping that this push towards sustainability catches on as more towns get “Green”

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