Why Do Poor People Waste Money On Luxury Goods Essay

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Ka- Ching Ka- Ching the sound of the cash register when it ranged up the purchase of those 250 pants and your walking out the store feeling like a top millionaire. However gas in your stomach has you cramping up, darkness is what you see when you arrive home and boredom is how you feel because there’s no food in the cupboard, light and telephone off. Therefore there’s no one to talk to. However that’s alright because priorities are in order and satisfying material wants are far more important than your basic needs like water, food and light. People are often driven by feelings of material entitlement because they want to live extravagant lifestyles like the lives they see in movies and magazines. In Cottom’s essay "Why do Poor People waste money on luxury goods"? there are certain scenarios where the author illustrates people spending money on useless status symbols to fit in society and gain social status like spending 2500 on luxury handbags and buying expensive designer belts . This goes to show the main reason a person may spend money on luxury handbags and belts is because people in society makes a big deal about it .In this essay I shall claim that we live in society that values too much on material items that can lead to crime, debts and can cause a individual to stray away from God teachings.
A young man steals a pair of Jordan’s from another young man, a dope addicts holds up a store shooting the owner to get money in order to get high, a bank executive embezzles a million dollars so he can run off with his family to live in paradise. The main motive behind these crimes is for a sense of immediate gratification. The media burden us daily with the message that the goal of life is sensual pleasure and that success in life ...

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...d not show more love or worship materialistic items more than God. To obtain material goods society makes a big deal about one may become dishonest which separates them from God teachings. One may lie about what they have or what purchases they had made. However, someone may rebut that it is not against God teaching to be dishonest but in Proverbs it says “The lord abhors dishonest scales but accurate weights are his delights". This means God dislike dishonesty and prefer the truth and rather people be honest with themselves and others.
The world today has become a status about materialism; our lives today are governed by our material desires, our needs and our wants. It is through material wealth that we fulfill our wants and desires. People need to realize that a materialistic does not determine happiness it only creates more problems for individuals to deal with.

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