Why Do People Join Cults

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Information about Cults
Definition of Cults
A cult is to some extent a group that strays from the standard teachings of the historic Christian faith being resulting from the Bible and established through the earliest ecumenical doctrines. These groups reject or misrepresent important Christian doctrines such as the Trinity, the deity of Christ, and salvation by grace through faith only. Some cults that would be identified in this classification are Jehovah’s Witnesses, Christian Science, the Mormons, the Unity School of Christianity and the Way International. (Hanegraaff, 2009)3
In my opinion a religious cult can also be described as a religious group that vigorously array out to control equally the eternal and earthly lives of its followers …show more content…

Research on those who have decided to join all kinds of cults and radical groups have, yet, revealed that they do have related and refined recruitment promises, introduction procedures and societal impacting plans. They use techniques of "indoctrination" and "mind-control" it is no diverse from all groups, however they may be very much more forcefully applied. People also join cults to be part of something in the search of wholeness. People may also be joining cults because of the promises it makes. Singular susceptibility aspects matter greatly more than persona type as soon as it comes to staying or even joining in a cult or an abusive agreement or partnership. Every person is inclined and influenced every day in numerous ways. Whether the new participant or member is young or old, definite prompting influences may enable attraction to a cultic organisation or group, the accomplishment of conscription and indoctrination determinations, and the length and depth of involvement all play a part in the persuasion method or the reason why some individuals join cults. (Tobias, …show more content…

Cultic groups also try to separate the individual from their friends and family because the cult dislikes others outside the cult being able to influence the individual whom is in the cult. A mind control driven cultic group will search for a method to plan the individual’s life in such a way by maximizing the individuals contact with cult members and minimizing their contact with people outside the cultic group, particularly those who could be in conflict with the individuals’ involvement within the cult. (CultWatch,

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