Why Do People Have The Capacity To Write And Read

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having the capacity of write and read helps to be part of the society. Nowadays is almost impossible to find a job for a person that do not have the capacity to write or read. My life would be complete different if a would not have these capacities. I might never find a good job, and I might never have the chance of using the technology. I could not be imaging that a person that have not the capacity to write and read find a job because even in the easiest jobs a person might need to read. Also for any emergency that happen during the work hours if this person could not have the capacity of read a sign and follow a basic instruction like “break in case of fire” will be a huge problem for the employer. Secondly, the technology has been creating …show more content…

The is not such a thing as a “pure” ethnic culture. Most people believe that they have a “pure” blood that all their ancestress have always procreated with people of the same culture. But I believe that is hard to find a “pure” in this days. How would be possible to be a pure if society have change as much as it has, if countries and immigrants has procreated in other places. First of all, the world has change in so many different ways. If a person think that they are pure British or pure American aborigines, it would be so improbable. There are proofs that at the beginning of the world there were not continents. It was just one big land and so how a person could speck to have I pure blood of a land that did not exist in the past. Moreover, big population have immigrated in many other countries. For example, if a person believe that is pure American Aborigines decedent, how would this person identify the aborigines that have come from Mexico from the one that are natives if the ones that have come has learned the language and the culture of the natives. So this person might think that well is not to bad still being a aborigines blood. However, we know that many aborigines from Mexico have procreate with Spanish so how could a person be

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