Why Do People Break Unjust

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Should individuals break unjust laws? “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” The words of Martin Luther King ponder upon a deeper philosophical implication of the painful truth that has never been so prominent than ever before. We see unjust laws in every side of the corner of the world. Historically, unjust laws, even just laws, were at times improperly forced resulting in catastrophic consequences in the end. The 21th century is often portrayed as an age of resistance to the authority and the laws, which are enforced upon political force and corrupted officials who failed to value the basic democratic principles of truth and justice. So, after from years of tensions and injustice built upon by the laws that see …show more content…

For example, the Alabama segregation laws in the 20th century were unjust in every faction possible and it was simply not permissible. Yet, in face of injustice, Martin Luther King and many young protesters refused to abide by the laws and considered it detrimental to obey it. The actions of King and the protestors showed the world that every injustice should be addressed peacefully and with precaution to prevent wide spread consequences in the future. The understanding of facing unjust laws with an unjust act can sometimes be considered to be morally responsible to resist unjust forces. However, Martin Luther King and other scholars have understood the fact that the solution to violence should not be violence, but, instead, it should be a non-violent tactics that will evoke effective ways to tackle the …show more content…

However, there is one law in particular I would like to strongly disagree and even argue to break it: The Anti-Sharia Law. Sharia Law is an essential component to the Muslims, equivalent to Bible, that encapsulates the faith of Islamic religion; the set of guiding principles of the Islamic religion embodies the entire moral life a Muslim. But Recently, in 2017 alone, 14 states introduced an anti-sharia law bill, with Texas and Arkansas enacting the bill according to Southern Poverty Law institution. The bills attempt to prohibit the practice of Islamic Laws and discriminate Muslims community. Given the fact that the actions of the U.S government is unconstitutional, it is unjust. When laws like this marginalize and publicly offers insufferable amount of excruciating pains to the Muslim Community, it is hard to ignore or to simply walk by without exanimating this issue with moral obligations. I firmly believe that Martin Luther King’s situation applies here as banning people’s religion is not only unconstitutional, but, also, unjust according to Dr.King’s definition of unjust laws. Banning people’s religious practice and principles are unconstitutional because religious beliefs are protected by the First Amendment without limitations. Therefore, in the age of growing disparity between right and wrong, it is important for people to acknowledge and define the meaning of “unjust” and “just”

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