Why Do Myths Teach Us As Much As Fact

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By the end of this essay, you are guaranteed to agree that fiction can teach us as much as fact! Not only do myths and fiction stories appeal to a wide audience, they connect you to characters in the mythological and real world! Not only do myths connect you to characters in the mythological and real world, they aren't limited by factuality and explore different scenes and actions! Not only are they not limited by factuality and explore different scenes and actions, they teach you about life skills! When you compare fiction to fact, it almost makes fact seem what it is, boring!

Myths teach important lessons by making the reader care about the key characters. Would you rather read a list of statistics, facts and figures in learning about the world or a story that explores how characters deal with these situations. The dangers of …show more content…

A myth or story captures the reader’s attention in a way that a fact simply can’t. The beauty of the myth leaves the reader with no other choice than to continue reading until the last word has been read and they are fulfilled with facts, morals, rights, wrongs, truths, lies, the impossible and human experiences. The ‘Prometheus’ myth identifies the importance of friendship and provides a lesson as to how the breakdown of friendships can cause rivalry, punishment and revenge. The severe punishment which Zeus imposes on Prometheus of denying him access to fire shows his jealousy and anger in attempting to force Prometheus to live in a state of primitive savagery. Tips such as the need to use cleverness to survive, the stupidity of wickedness and the greed of the powerful are explored in the Prometheus myth in a way that allows the reader to understand complex human relationships which facts alone can not do just as too. I am sure you’ll agree that fiction may not only teach us as much as facts but perhaps even more

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