Why Do Guys Spread Their Legs By Gabrielle Moss Summary

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Evil isms Sexism. Racism- Two simple, 6 letter words that hold a bitter meaning and an unfortunate relevance in this day and age. Millions of people struggle with their identity, whether it be cultural, racial, or sexual; society makes it hard for us to like who we are and limits our ability to be free. Gabrielle Moss’s - Why Do Guys Spread their Legs when Sitting on the Subway and Francine Prose’s -Going Native are two pieces that whether directly or indirectly, put the spotlight on these limitations. Moss, although superficially focusing on a rather “foolish” topic, gives us a glimpse of the sexist world we live in, and how even when it comes to the amount of …show more content…

There is no practical explanation in the universe for this injustice except for the fact that we live in a patriarchal, sexist society that is stuck in the stone ages despite all the other advancements it has made. It’s the sad, undeniable truth. Moss’s experiment although, hard to take serious, opens our eyes to this truth. Men, she realized don’t really do it on purpose. Men do it because that is what they have been taught, what they know to be natural. Just like women have been taught that the natural thing to do is make themselves smaller in order to make space for men. Unfortunately both men and women have conformed to these ideas and as Moss does in the end, we stay …show more content…

She uses her own experience, identifying with Indian culture and Hearn’s experience identifying with Japanese culture to give us an example of what “going native” the right way means.- But I couldn’t help but put it the other way around- what if she was Indian and had to move to the US? What would Ms. Prose identify as then; what is the right way to become an American? Recently Raven Symone, in an interview with Oprah Winfrey said, “I am not African American…I am an American.” This statement caused an uproar. Many claimed that she should be ashamed for neglecting her roots and that they had lost all respect they had for her and her work. But isn’t this what white people do? Why do black people, born in this country, with no strong ties to Africa and little to no knowledge of their ancestry have to identify as African Americans, Hispanics as Hispanic American, Asians as Asian Americans…and the most ludicrous one of all Natives, as Native Americans? While a white person who’s ancestry goes back to England or Ireland, can simply call themselves American. People are being told to conform to American society, but to always remember “you’re inferior because of your

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