Why Do Drinks Have The Most Acid

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Investigative question
Which drinks have the most acid?

If drinks are tested to see which has the highest acidity, then Sprite will have the highest acid level.

The pH scale measures acidity of a solution based on hydrogen ion (proton) concentration (Chen). A hydrogen ion is an atom of hydrogen that has lost its electron (Pearson 218). Acids raise the hydrogen ion concentration, while bases lower it because they accept hydrogen ions. The pH scale goes from 0 to 14. Acids have a pH between 0 and less than 7. Neutral substances, like water, have a pH of 7. Bases range from above 7 to 14 (Williams 168). A pH meter has a special sensor which tests liquid samples for acidity or basicity (Williams 167). Another way to measure acidity is to use litmus paper. It also measures acidity and basicity, like a pH meter (Chen). When red litmus paper is dipped into a basic solution, it becomes blue. When blue litmus paper is dipped into an acidic solution, it turns red (Newmark 42). …show more content…

Bases have a bitter taste and a slippery feel (Tarvin). Some types of acids include: citric acid (which is most commonly found in drinks), acetic acid, sulfuric acid, hydroloric acid, phosphoric acid, nitric acid, lactic acid, boric acid, and perchloric acid (Williams 163).

Independent variable: the different drinks I am testing Dependent variable: the amount of acid in different drinks
These experiments showed that water, iced tea, and milk are the least acidic drinks, while Coke, lemonade, and grape Crush are the most acidic, and therefore most likely to cause acid reflux. The results proved the hypothesis wrong, because Coke had a higher level of acidity than Sprite. In fact, Sprite was not even in the top three. It had a pH of 3.30.

First gather all of the materials
Calibrate the pH meter
Rinse in water to make neutral
Open the first can of soda and pour it into a cup and put the pH meter in

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