Why Do Athletes Use Steroids?

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Performance enhancing drugs might be beneficial for athletes in present time, but have horrific long term consequences. PEDs have many types of negative effects on the human mind and body. These various types of drugs affect how you act and body features. PEDs should not be used by any competitor in any competitive sport or activity. PEDs have major consequences on the human body like the users’ health and physical state. The use of them can lead to the increase in blood pressure and heart attack or stroke. Nationwide Children claims, “In some cases, performance-enhancing drugs have been linked with death.” (1) There are also many body appearances that PEDs have effect on the human body. People using PEDs have experienced baldness and plenty of acne. Males look more feminine and females look more masculine. The consequences of using PEDs do not only affect the physical and health, but many other things. …show more content…

Mood swings are a big issue when using PEDs, these mood swings could include irritability, nervousness, depression, hostility, delusions, and aggressiveness better known as “roid rage.” These side effects are not even the worst part, legally and financially it ruins the seller and/or buyer of the drug. According to Live Strong, “selling or owning prohibited steroids may result in one year of imprisonment and a fee of one thousand dollars or more for first-time offenders… Athletes found using performance-enhancing drugs in various forms may also be pulled from competitions and/or lose achieved awards and metals.” (McLaughlin 2) Financially, performance-enhancing drugs are expensive, mostly for people who become independent. Much enforcement is needed for these drugs but the law and world of sports need to make it harder on all athletes who consume

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