Why Did World War 1 Start

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There are many contributors and reasons as to how World War 1 had started, but three large factors were militarism, nationalism, and the alliance system. The alliance system was made with two separate groups - the Central powers and the Allied powers. The alliance system is when countries join forces or worked together to achieve a certain goal or for safety reasons. Joining an alliance system was often done in secret and then later revealed to the public at a later time. If Germany never allied with Austria-Hungary, we could have totally avoided that war. When Germany declared war on a specific country, the other countries allied to Germany had to declare war on said country. The alliance system that were formed by Germany and Austria-Hungary was named the “Dual Alliance” and was a promise to declare war on Russia if they ever attacked either country. When countries started practicing militarism, other countries began to get intimidated (like Germany intimidating everyone via militarism.) As Germany kept continuing their …show more content…

Precisely a month after Archduke Ferdinand’s death (June 28, 1914,) Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia, which somewhat triggered a huge domino affect, causing mass declaration of war (aka a world war.) In the beginning, war was announced on one country on the behalf of another (i.e., Russia declaring war on Austria-Hungary for Serbia.) The tense, nationalistic ways of the Austro-Hungarian Empire gave that area the name the “Powder Keg of Europe”, which meant that they were an area of high nationalism and low tolerance for neighboring countries who were also very violent people. When they decided to declare war on Serbia, their alliance with Germany and Italy kicked in. Militarized Germany and Italy declared war on Serbia. Anyone allied with Serbia or any other country in the war had to join, of course, as well as other countries for different

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