Why Did The Titanic Happen

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What Really Happened How could a ship so well constructed-- one hailed as being the biggest and “safest” on the water-- turn out to be so extraordinarily otherwise? Why did the Titanic go down so fast? Was there really no way to avoid the disaster? The most recognized theory was that the iceberg ripped a 300-foot gash in the side of the 900-foot-long luxury liner. However, that may not have been the case. The tragedy struck on April 14, 1912 as the supposedly “unsinkable” RMS Titanic sunk in the North Atlantic ocean after miscommunication and gross negligence caused the ship to collide with a hundred-foot iceberg. On its maiden voyage, TItanic was traveling from Southampton to New York City and sank approximately three hours into the trip.
Construction of the Titanic began on May 31, 1911 and it took over a year to complete. It was said to be the largest ship on the water at the …show more content…

I am talking to Cape Race; you are jamming my signals.’” A few minutes later, out of the vast darkness, a monstrous white shape appeared, directly in the Titanic’s path. The beginning of the end for one of the world’s greatest ships.
There were approximately 2,228 people on the Titanic; 337 in first class, 285 in second class, 721 in third class, and 885 crew members. There were only 705 survivors, and Miss Elisabeth Walton Allen was one of them.
On the night disaster struck her aunt had come to her to say that the baggage room was full of water. Miss Walton said to her “she needn’t worry, the water-tight compartments would be closed and it would be alright for her to return to her cabin.” (Miss Elisabeth Walton Allen, first hand report) Later that night: “As the Titanic plunged deeper we could see her stern rising higher and higher until her lights began to go out. As the last lights went out, we saw her plunge distinctively, bow first and intact.” (Miss Elisabeth Walton

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