Why Did Hitler Manipulate The Holocaust

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Hitler was a very smart man, he was able to bring Germany out of a great depression in one year. He was able to manipulate and brainwash many people into doing his bidding as well as hiding the Holocaust from the rest of the world The holocaust was a very sad time Hitler killed 11 million people, more than half were Jew's the rest were gypsies, mentally diseased, gay and handicap people. He would come up with unique ways to kill them before all the gas chambers. He would just line up the older Jews in front of holes or mass graves in the ground after having shot them, they would sometimes cover them. As war was raging bullets were more expensive he felt he was wasting bullets on them that's when he started coming up with ways he could kill …show more content…

Loosing the war and all the aftermath was the crisis for which he could blame "them" growing the hate and resentment towards them was part of his manipulation. This would also stop most people from stepping in during mild mistreatment figuring it was there just deserts after all they have cost our country. Hitler being a master manipulator used symbols for those who were the target of hatred and different symbols for those who were on his side. Then Hitler worked to teach people that they were really less than human, once he brain washed others into believing they were less than. The next step was to train an army to carry out tasks that reduced their number so that they would be less of a threat. Teaching that these people groups were worthless, if you repeat a lie enough, people believe it as truth. Illegalizing normal activities they may have had, such as having jobs, businesses or money crippled them even trapped them within a country that didn't want them all the while other countries refused them passage. Leaders who chose to be leaders as well as people who are thrust into that role by others need to be very careful what they say. Because right or wrong, people will follow your lead even compromise themselves to belong to the popular group. When finally the need to be removed from the earth because his …show more content…

Is it possible that we have more people who are bullies are capable of much worse if just given the chance at power or leadership? People who have tragedies in their lives who do not get help dealing with the feelings can, later in life be triggered into a psychotic break. Where morals if they had any are then skewed to fit only their understanding. In our day and time where people write their own truth and even their own morals each person deciding what is right or wrong for them. The world has become a scary place because there is no standard and laws have lost their compass and power since they can be deemed wrong by each individual under their power. Bully's usually do not keep picking on a kid once they stand up to them Germany as well scaled back its plan. Here is an article where I took one sentence from and I quote about the War refugee board. Wallenberg helped protect tens of thousands of Hungarian Jews from being deported to Auschwitz by distributing protective Swedish passports. https://www.ushmm.org/outreach/en/article.php?ModuleId=10007749 Once other countries started to help the Jews and others condemned of society Germany soldiers started cleaning up in addition to covering up their

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