Why Did Gatsby Take The Blame For Myrtle's Death

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Fitzgerald sets up the scene of Gatsby’s death with changing weather. From the beginning of the chapter Fitzgerald mentions how autumn has arrived, and autumn has the message of the end of life. In this chapter, we also find out why Gatsby fell in love with Daisy and that was because “she was the first ‘nice’ girl he had ever known.” But Gatsby had to go to the army and Daisy ended up meeting Tom. Gatsby, however, was convinced he can get Daisy back by telling Nick “of course she could of loved him, just for a minute…”. Gatsby’s love ended up with him taking the “blame” for Myrtle’s death. George Wilson was still devastated with his wife’s death, and he wanted to get revenge on the killer. Therefore, he decided to kill Gatsby and himself -

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