Why Did Egypt Build The Great Pyramid Research Paper

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Why & How the ancient Egyptians Built the Great Pyramid??? Name: Maniya Loganathan

The ancient Egyptians built the Great Pyramid because King Khufu ordered them to. He wanted the Great Pyramid to be his burial tomb like how other kings and queens have their own burial tomb. He wanted his burial tomb to be the biggest burial tomb there could be. He asked specifically for the ancient Egyptians because they built burial tombs for kings and queens as so himself. The ancient Egyptians believed that people could take their belongings with them into the afterlife.

About King Khufu and the Great Pyramid!!! Khufu was the 2nd pharaoh of the Fourth Dynasty in the Old Kingdom. Khufu's reign over Egypt spanned more than twenty - three years from 2589 BC through 2566 BC. It is believed Khufu became Pharaoh while in his twenties. It is widely believed that his father was Pharaoh Snefru; due to the fact that the oldest son of the Pharaoh usually inherited the throne and Khufu followed Snefru as ruler of Egypt. His mother was Queen Hetepheres. He married Meritite who was either his sister or half-sister. She was his principal wife; it is believed that he had at least two other wives referred to as "lesser wives".
He had nine sons and fifteen daughters. He died in 2566 BC. The cause of his death …show more content…

The rocks used to build the pyramid was two to fifteen tons each (that's a lot) so it took about ten thousand people more than twenty years to build the Great Pyramid. No one knew how the ancient Egyptians built such a huge Pyramid a long time ago. Some people thought that the ancient Egyptians pulled stones (which were used for the pyramid) up ramps so the pyramid was very high. Other people couldn't even guess how the ancient Egyptians built the pyramid because they were amazed by how huge and tall the pyramid

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