Why Did Colonists Develop A Desire For Self-Government?

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We often wonder why colonist developed a desire for self-government. I have learned a few reasons why colonist wanted self government and this was because the desire for religious freedom, the right to their rights and enlightenment. However there are many different reasons behind all of these factors. Everyone wanted to have their own religion.The king only wanted one specific religion , and of course this was his religion.Most people felt as if they should have their religion the way they wanted it, and not have the King telling them what to believe.People were starting to break away from the Church of England, so this set in people's minds that they could do the same and have their religion the way they wanted it. The people thought that the church was doing thing they weren't supposed to be and this ties back in with religion. Religion played a huge role in people wanting self government ,but it definitely wasn't the only reason.There were several more factors as to why these people wanted everything their way without having someone to tell them every move to make. …show more content…

The English Bill of Rights stated all the peoples rights. This was written in 1689 to limit the power of the king even more than it was already limited and protected the rights of citizens.They felt as if the King was given to much control and if they had their own government then no one could have too much control if they didn't want them to.The Magna Carta was another Document written to Protect the rights of the people and limit the King.Most everyone was set out to do one thing either receive self-government or greatly limit the control the King had over the people.There were more than one reason behind self

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