Why China's Population Law Should Be Abolished

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Deng Xiaoping, the ruler of China, made the one child law in 1979. He created this law because he was afraid that to many people would die of starvation. The law changed to a one child law to a two child law in 2015. This law has created a great deal of controversy. China's population law should be abolished because the law violates human rights, the law creates a generation of ‘’hidden’’ children, and decimates the economy. First of all, China’s population law should be abolished because it violates human rights.The first reason why it violates human it doesn’t let them have how many kids that they want.The second reason why it violates human rights is that if they don’t want to get a aboushion it makes their kid be a hidden kid.That is unfair to the kid that has to be hidden and not a normal kid.The third reason why it violates human rights is because they can’t make their own decision. The final reason why they can’t make their own decision is that if they want to have five children they can’t they have to have …show more content…

The third reason why it creates a generation of “hidden” children is because they will not let the parent have how many children they want to have so they have hidden ones.The final reason they should abolished because it creates a generation of “hidden” children is that they will not let people have more than two

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