Why Cheating Is Wrong

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Are you a cheater? One of the biggest questions in life no matter what you do is that, is cheating wrong. Everyone has there on personal opinion about cheating but as for me I think cheating isn’t right because cheating is an unfair advantage. I came up with three main reasons why cheating is wrong. Cheating is wrong because it brings an unfair advantage, you will never be able to truly say you worked for it, and it’s not just wrong for school cheating is wrong on every level no matter what you do. It’s wrong when you’re in a relationship or when you’re on a diet or whatever you are doing. People think when they cheat that it’s okay because they have been doing it so long they become immune to it. That’s why most people that say that cheating is right because they have been doing it so long that they just can’t see that there wrong. In my opinion I say cheating is wrong and never is it okay for a person to cheat.

First, cheating is wrong because if you cheat then you had to put you in a position to your advantage but that doesn’t …show more content…

Nobody can take that from you if you do it honestly. When I do something I love to say that I did it especially if it’s a big success. I don’t want anybody to be like, “oh he took an unfair advantage to get to where he’s trying to go”. If you work for something then it don’t matter what come up because you actually worked for that. Nobody can take that which you work for. If you took the necessary time out to do something the right way not only will it benefit you but you would feel ten times better knowing that you’re the one that did it. Cheating comes from simple minded people who don’t have the courage enough to do things the right way. However, brave hearted people, like myself, will take the chance and not be afraid to fall. That’s why I’m not a cheater because I’m not afraid to mess up and fall. That’s what separates me from those who

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