Why Canada was Successful at Vimy Ridge

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"I am a good enough Canadian to believe, if my experience justifies me in believing, that Canadians are best served by Canadians." Sir Arthur Currie. This statement Sir Arthur Currie, Major General for the Canadians at Vimy Ridge, could not describe any better why the Canadians were so successful at Vimy Ridge. Thought to have been a near impossible task to take Vimy Ridge as both the French and British had tried and failed miserably with substantial losses the Canadians were now tasked with taking this Ridge. The Ridge overlooking the Douai plain was essentially the “Hinge of the German line” as quoted by John Stephen. Losing this high ground would leave the Germans positions in the region exposed to the Allies, destabilizing the entire area. In the end the impossible was made possible and the Canadians captured the ridge and won the first major victory in the war. The reason for their success came from not only their strategies and preparedness but also uniting together for the very first time in the war as Canadians.

From a strategic point of view the Canadians were extremely innovative in their offensive tactics and without doubt led to their success in the battle. Should the Canadians followed similar tactics of the French or British of sending their soldiers wave after wave in tightly packed groups and not using their artillery to its best use the attack likely would have befell the same fate, accomplishing little and many dead. Instead the Canadians invented a tactic of using platoons that included specialists in different weapons (bombs, machine guns, etc.). These platoons attacked in a loose formation (unlike in waves tightly packed men) making it a lot more difficult for the Germans (or any other force for that matter)...

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...ng the great nation we all call home, Canada.

In conclusion there were many contributing factors as to why the Canadians were successful in capturing Vimy Ridge. Their innovative attacking strategies like an artillery barrage to create a defensive curtain in front of its troops allowed them to overtake land in great speed while their platoon system aided to more efficient attacks. Their preparedness in terms of knowing exactly where to go and how the attack was to unfold let their innovative strategies be put to good use. Last but certainty not least being able to unite as a team and fight as Canadians, an elite army, contributed to their success at Vimy Ridge. The Canadians had won the first battle of the Great War while at the same time established a national identity, the Canadian identity.

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