Why Are The Popes So Important In Medieval Times

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The Pope is the leader of the Catholic Church, and the most powerful person in the clergy, and has been in both the Medieval Ages and today. He lived a life of great wealth and influence as a compared with the kings. However, just as any other human, the Pope was tempted with corruption; some more than others. Fortunately, the corruption came to an end because of people, such as, Martin Luther, who challenged the medieval papacy. However, questions still rise over their power. Why were the popes so influential in medieval times?
The religious piety for the popes in the medieval time was a real culture of the Medieval Ages. The status of a medieval pope in society was of utmost importance. During the early medieval times, his position was higher than any rulers of Europe. The Pope had a lot of power because medieval people were highly religious. Medieval Popes were considered to be God’s messengers on earth. Once the Pope was elected he would serve as a pope until the day he dies. The status of the medieval pope was at the top of the hierarchy of the feudal system. His powers in the feudal system were also equal to those of kings and he even had power to pronounce judgements against kings.
The medieval pope himself had a lavish lifestyle which was nothing short of the habits of …show more content…

The Hundred Years war caused a rise in national pride and identity in England and France. The War of the Roses is the name given to a series of civil wars that occurred over a space of three decades in England. In the feudal society, it was believed that the land belonged to God. The kings were the owner of all the lands but the highest position that was prevalent in the society was that of the Pope. There was a rise of national monarchs and a decline of feudalism, which resulted in a spirit of nationalism and increased loyalty of the people to their secular

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