Why Are So Many People Poor Listeners?

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It seems evident that poor listening is becoming more prevalent in our society, but whether it is an epidemic seems yet to be decided. It does not seem that all individuals are infected with this malady, but it does seem that the numbers afflicted are increasing. This wide-ranging prevalence seems due, in part, to faster-paced societal norms in which we find ourselves. The environment seems to dictate that we multi-task at an increasing speed and this interferes with attentive listening. This is particularly true for individuals who have known no lesser technology-filled way of life. Professor McCoy’s on-line lecture states, “...the majority of members of the younger generation (Generation X) have significant problems with listening and their attention spans have decreased significantly compared to older generations” (para. 6). Listening seems to have taken on a less important role to individuals now, than in past generations, due to the increase of written messages being used for communication. …show more content…

4.2). All of these factors, which seem to be increasing with advancements in technology, contribute to the growing trend of poor listening. Everywhere we turn, we see people mesmerized by the screen in front of them, and oblivious to the individuals around them who are trying to communicate. Clearly, to many individuals, listening has taken on a less-important role than utilizing

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