Why Are Dogs Aggressive

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Why are Dogs Aggressive? There are many reasons why a dog may act aggressive. Some of these reasons are: fear, protective, predatory, possessive, and a few others (“Aggression”). Anyone who wants a dog or finds a dog should know if there is a chance that the dog may be aggressive and if it will attack them. Knowing this factor will help dog owners be familiar with why their dog may have aggressive behavior. Some dogs are accused of being naturally aggressive for no reason, but there are some reasons why dogs may act aggressive. There are some dogs that are known for aggressive behavior. Some dogs are trained to be aggressive such as fighting dogs (“25 Most Dangerous”). These dogs are trained to fight other dogs. The fights are not usually to the death but some dogs are severely injured. Owners train and sometimes even drug their dogs for these fights (“Dog Fighting”). Though these dogs are aggressive they tend to only be aggressive with other dogs. Teaching a dog these behaviors may make the dog a threat to be around other dogs. Dogs should not be taught these habits and it is actually illegal to do so. For the safety of all dogs it is important to stop dog fighting. A dog's physical structure may also have something to do with it’s aggression. Some dogs are built to be aggressive such as hunting dogs. A hunting dog's body is …show more content…

If a dog feels like it is being threatened it may attack; this type of aggression would fall into the fear category. A dog will also attack if its possessions or family members, human or dog, seem to be threatened (“Aggression”). This type of aggression would be described as protective. Male dogs are naturally more aggressive than females (“Dog.”). Male dogs will fight over a female to show their dominance. Lastly dogs tend to show aggression towards unfamiliar people or animals. So if a dog is unfamiliar with something and feels like it is intruding it could

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