Why Are Credit Unions Better Than Traditional Banks

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Credit Unions Vs Traditional Banks
Student’s Name
Institution Affiliation

Credit Unions Vs Traditional Banks
An alternative to traditional banks, credit unions are mutually owned cooperatives that accepts deposits and makes loans (Aliber, 2012). Many people have been utilizing traditional banking institutions when it comes to all financial matters. However, with the rise in banking fees coupled with other changes in the financial landscape, many consumers started to look for alternative means such as credit unions. According to statistics from the Credit Union National Association (2016), more than 3.7 million people within the United States joined one type of credit union or the other in 2015. With more than …show more content…

Unlike traditional banking institutions where members are just mere customers, credit unions are formed and owned by its members with the primary purpose of serving the members’ saving and borrowing needs (Fabozzi, 2015). This means that credit unions are not geared towards profit making objectives but are only supposed to be a means through which the members can obtain affordable and convenient financial services. As such, these institutions offer better services that corporate banks since the members needs are prioritized above anything else and their best interests pursued. Not being for-profit entities, members are able to derive additional benefits such as superior customer services and competitive rates due to tax-exemption. The end product is that with a credit union, the members obtain greater satisfaction than those who utilize traditional …show more content…

Although credit unions are non-profit entities, this does not necessarily mean that these institutions do not earn profits. However, such profits earned cannot be shared with the stockholders due to the non-profit nature of the credit unions. Therefore, rather than giving the members a share of the profit in literal terms, credit unions usually have annual bonus programs where members are able to receive perks in the form of bonus checks. In addition to the onus checks provided, credit unions also have fund security which gives its members great peace of mind. Federally insured credit unions ensure that the members do not have to worry about losing their money deposited with the institution since such funds are usually federally insured to a tune of at least $250, 000 per individual (Adams, Marshall, Masci, Martino, Garner, & Felts, 2014). Albeit not meaning that credit banks have no financial risk, it only aims to prove that the financial risk is no greater but just at the same level with regular banks. Hence, considering other services and perks that you can enjoy while investing your money, credit unions are definitely

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