Why Are Cell Phones Dangerous For Children

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What do you think of teens and children using cell phones in this generation? Cell phones are bad for you. They are dangerous, unhealthy, and distracting. Cell phones are dangerous because people could find the location of your city or even worse the location of your house. They are can also be dangerous because on apps like Instagram dangerous people can follow your account and find personal information. Also on the app children can place locations on their photos. This is how people can find out children's home cities and home address. If someone has their address the person could try and break into your house and steal things or hurt your family. The next reason cell phones are bad is that they are unhealthy. They can cause eye strains or even cancer. If you stare at your phone for too long it can cause an eye strain. Cell phones have also been proven to cause cancer. Cell phones emit radio waves which are part of what can cause some types of cancer. When you keep your phone very close to you very long periods of time the energy from your cell phone absorbs into the top layers of your skin which can increase the risk of cancer. …show more content…

Cell phones can distract from school work and they can distract from driving. Cell phones can easily distract from children getting their school work done. They could get distracted by playing a game or looking at social media sites. If the children don't do their assignments it could cause their grade to go down. This could affect what jobs they get when they are older which could affect their whole live. Cell phones also distract from teens driving. Texting and driving is very dangerous and over three-thousand minors die a year from doing it. Texting and driving puts your life and the people around you in danger. To prevent getting in an accident from texting and driving turn off your phone when you are in the car. Also encourage your friends not to text and

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