Why Are Boys And Girls Different?

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When we see young girls we tend to think of them as princesses, and when we see young boys we tend to think of them as rough and tumbled. Parents and society contribute to these gender related messages that are carried on throughout children’s lives. Even in the twenty first century, parents and society have different expectations for children based on their sex. And why shouldn’t they, boys and girls are emotionally different. Gender roles have been passed on through generations, and will most likely continue to do so. First, no one can rebuff that when parents see their baby girl for the first time they see pink, and when they see their baby boy for the first time they see blue. Pink and blue have become the universal colors to differentiate …show more content…

They are biologically hard-wired differently and this difference should be embraced. Not only are boys and girls physically different but, emotionally different. According to a recent study lead by Tara M. Chaplan of the Department of Psychiatry at the Yale University School of Medicine, “boys and girls have very different emotional tendencies and that finding suggests that they are small but significant gender differences in emotion expressions, with larger differences emerging at certain ages and at certain context.” (Good). Parents and society recognize that boys and girls have different emotions and that these emotions are acceptable. Some people oppose treating boys and girls different, such as Laurie Futterman of the Miami Herald, argue that “parents need to help break gender cycles and even out the differences in how the sexes behave and think about themselves.” (Futterman 2). Without a doubt, parents and society should teach boys and girls that both have equal rights but that does not diminish the fact that boys and girls are physically and emotionally different and should be treated according to the gender.
I can’t think of a society where boys and girls are raised as if they were the same, and why should they because they are not. However one choses to believe how humans came into existence; whether it was because of Adam and Eve or the evolution of an ape, there always was a male and female figure and those gender roles have been passed down from history. Parents and society should always continue to differentiate between boys and girls not just because they physically look different but because they are mentally different as

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