Why A College Education Should Be Free

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College education should be free
“Education should be a right not a privilege” (Senator Bernie Sanders). A lot of students don't continue their education after high school, because of this thousands of students end up with student loans that take nearly the rest of their life to pay off. College education should be free in my opinion, because it gives students who can’t afford it the opportunity to better their lives, lower income students will go to college.
Lower income students might reach graduation, however; so some students drop out because they can’t pay for tuition the first for years. According to college raptor it would “ improve college grad rates”. Some students drop out and get a degree in something because they cant pay for the tuition. Free tuition would help a lot of people in the long run and they don’t have to pay off …show more content…

College raptor says “college students would be able to buy house than renting small apartments”. Student debt won’t weigh down student and they can get better jobs by going to college. Therefor free tuition would eliminate most of student debt and students would actually go through and graduated college.
However, more students would go to college. Eliminating the tuition of college, there would be an increase of students attending college. College raptor says “ this would create a more educated workforce”, and “has a society with better critical thinking skills”. More people going to college will allow students to make a better life but also make society work force better. More people attending will lead to a better workforce, but also lead to a more innovative society.
Although, if college was free some student would actually take advantage of the opportunity, as well as some might throw away theirs. There would also be to many people

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