Who Was Responsible For The Tragedy Of Romeo And Juliet

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In the story tragedy of Romeo and Juliet. The people in the most fault for the problem is the Capulet and Montague families. They did not like each other's families and so the marriage of Romeo and Juliet had to be hidden. They were star crossed lovers and the families did not know that they were married because if they would have know then the two star crossed lovers would have probably been killed. Romeo and Juliet met due to the Capulets having a party and Romeo walking in on it and the servant could not read to tell if he was on the list or not. When they walked in Romeo had a mask and so did everyone else so no one could tell who was who. Romeo seen Juliet coming down the stairs went to her kissed her hand and kissed her. But due to the families not liking each other they would never see eachother again. Romeo that night came up to there house and tried to get her attention and talked to her. It was determined the next day they would marry without the families knowing and would have to keep it secret. …show more content…

Romeo ended up killing Tybalt and then had to go to the court and was banished from Verona to Mantua. Lord Capulet tried to make Juliet marry Paris and juliet was not having it so she went to Friar Lawrence and he told her that she would be out for 42 hours. The parents had Romeo banished so Romeo had no clue that she was going to take the potion and that she would be out for 42 hours because he didn't get any kind of letter. The nurse went and found Juliet’s body in a dead like form and told the Capulet family. The family had her put into the family tomb and they thought she was dead Friar Lawrence was planned to go and get Juliet from the tomb and Romeo was supposed to meet with him and get Juliet

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