Who Was Pericles A Good Leader

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I am here to praise the man Pericles. He was an amazing leader, and he played a major role in shaping the constitution of ancient Athens. The historian Thucydides even calls him “the first Citizen” of democratic Athens, because of his role in forming its democracy. He was also a primary leader during Athens’ “Golden Age.” He was a respected general, and statesman. And he was an exceptional Orator, perhaps the best in his city. Whenever he talked, everyone listened.
Pericles comes from Acamantis tribe, in Athens, Greece. He was born around 495 BC, to Xanthippus (A war hero, and prominent politician), and Agariste (from the powerful and noble family, Alcmaeonidae). One of Pericles’ most notable ancestors was Cleisthenes, the reformer, who helped …show more content…

Rather, he must be hospitable, one who loves what is good, who is self-controlled, upright, holy and disciplined (Titus 1:7-8). Pericles models many of these virtues. He was known especially for his calm demeanor, gentle attitude, prudence, and exemplary self-control. He demonstrated great wisdom as he made plans to defend the city against Sparta, and in his war strategies. He had a great love for his city, and its people, and put great effort into beautifying and strengthening it. In his guidance Athens became the greatest city in the Peloponnesus, it was Athens’ “Golden Age.” Even when plague struck Athens, he held his calm composure, even when the people were angry at him, through his amazing ability to speak, he changed their minds. Pericles last speech was one of encouragement to his people; chiding them to persevere through this calamity. After his death, Athens only went downhill, and eventually fell, showing just how much Pericles’ influence had helped the city; Athens needed him. Pericles made a real impact on his

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