Who Is Tom's Death In The Great Gatsby

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Affairs, lies and destruction are all Tom and Daisy leave with people when they run away back to their money and perfect lives. The Great Gatsby, written by F. Scott Fitzgerald, a widely known novel, tells the lives of Tom and Daisy through the eyes of Nick and the wreck they leave behind everywhere they go. Tom and Daisy consequences of their choices casts a dark shadow of distrust over the lives of those around them. Tom and Daisy, careless people, they leave behind smashed up things and creatures, then retreat back into their money and let other people clean up the mess they have made. Daisy parades into other people's lives to smash up things and creatures. Daisy, Tom, Gatsby, Jordan and Nick head into town to a Plaza Hotel and Gatsby …show more content…

Tom has an affair with a married woman, Myrtle, while coming back home everyday to live his flawless life with Daisy and their daughter. A small dinner party was held at Daisy’s house so she could catch up with her cousin Nick but he discovers Tom is having an affair, “The telephone rang inside, startlingly, and as Daisy shook her head decisively at Tom the subject, in fact all subjects, vanished into the air” (Fitzgerald 15). Tom had gotten a second telephone call from his mistress during a dinner party and Daisy gave him a threatening look signaling that he better not answer the call. Daisy knows Tom is having an affair, but she is furious that the subject is revealed to Nick right after she meets him after years. On the contrary to Daisy’s knowledge of the affair, Myrtle’s husband is clueless on the matter while it is going on and Tom comments to Nick’s question “‘Doesn’t her husband object?’ ‘Wilson? He thinks she goes to see her sister in New York .He’s so dumb he doesn’t know he’s alive’” (Fitzgerald 26). Tom steals Wilson’s wife, Myrtle, and calls him dumb for not have discovered their affair. Myrtle runs away with Tom to live a double life together then Tom leaves every night right back to his money. The affairs of Tom and Daisy leave a mess

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