Who Is To Blame The Gods In The Odyssey

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The Ancient Greeks believed strongly in their gods and goddesses, they believed that the gods often intervened in their lives. In the epic poem, The Odyssey, Homer portrays relationship between the mortals and immortals as immortals have the ultimate power over mortals. The mortals are at the mercy of the immortals. The gods can be generous and supportive but also destructive to any human being. In the beginning of the epic poem, Zeus claims that mortals blame the gods for all of their miseries. “Ah how shameless- the way these mortals blame the gods. From us alone, they say, come all their miseries, yes, but they themselves, with their own reckless ways, compound their pains beyond their proper share” (Homer 1.37-50). Zeus is claiming that …show more content…

Humans have free will and their ideas to do what they please but the gods intervene with humans to help or harm them as they please. The gods expect respect from humans, such as sacrifices. In book 4, “ It was in Egypt, where the gods still marooned me. Eager as I was to voyage home… I’d failed you see, to render them full, flawless victims, and gods are always keen to see their rules obeyed” (4.390-394). Menelaus explains how he was deserted on an island because he did not make the proper sacrifices to the gods. This misfortune was cause directly by the gods; the gods wanted revenge because Menelaus failed to …show more content…

Poseidon wasn’t happy with Odysseys when his men killed Poseidon’s cows for food. Poseidon created the storm on the high seas and blows Odysseus on Calypso Island where he was captured. Due to having multiple gods in Greek religion, each god has a certain domain and they can’t interfere with another domain. All of the gods wanted Odysseus to be able to return home and reunite with his family except for Poseidon. “But my heart breaks for Odysseus, that seasoned veteran cursed by fate so long-far from his loved ones stills, he suffers torments, off on a wave-washed island rising at the center of the seas” (Homer 1.57-60). Athena’s appeals to Zeus about all of the Odysseus past sacrifices moves Zeus to take pity as well. When Poseidon is absent from Mt. Olympus, the other gods are able help Odysseus home. Athena guides Odysseus to Ithaca, getting him past many dangers and obstacles. Zeus understanding of the humans is completely different from human understanding of gods. Zeus believes that humans think that they do nothing wrong and blame others for their actions. When Odysseus stabs Poseidon’s son, Poseidon was enraged. If he didn’t stab his son eye and then told him his name to gloat, he would have had a safe and easy trip home. Polyphemous curses Odysseus with invocation to Poseidon. Zeus wants humans to take responsibilities for their actions. The Gods control fate but the actions

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