Who Is To Blame For Iago's Death

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In the story of Othello written by William Shakespeare, a character named Iago is proclaimed as the villain of the story. It must be for the reason that the story ended as a tragedy with multiple deaths, mostly because society perceives death as negative and unneeded outcome for which they must assert blame in order to assure themselves that it was initially not suppose to occur. Which is why in the play, multiple characters asserted the reason for multiple deaths on Iago in order for themselves to assure themselves that they are not as inhumane or wicked as Iago, that they are something better and human who could not stop the “unnatural” force of Iago. That is how Iago got labeled as a wicker evil murderer, an unnatural force that changed and manipulated all of them into becoming …show more content…

Which is where Iago fell a victim to their irresistible urge to assert blame, when a man named Othello, who denied Iago a job at the beginning of the play, went mad at hearing Iago’s mere belief and went off planning the deaths of his beloved adulterous Desdemona who had various opportunities to question the accusations of her and the backstabbing Cassio who he once called friend. When Iago's too loyal wife who followed his every whim and would do anything to please him until she realized her doting servitude to her husband had commenced the path of death to two high profile people in love with one abandoned handkerchief. While Iago was surely not innocent, neither was he guilty of it all or deserved to be called the villain of the play for the tragic ending when all characters caused the death as equally as Iago. Iago should not be called the villain of the story because all of the characters played as the villains; if he were to be called a villain, all of the other characters should also be categorized as villains no matter their role, it all ended in the demise

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