Who Is The Misunderstood Character In To Kill A Mockingbird

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[1] “You never really understand a person until you consider things from their point of view… until you climb into his skin and walk around in it.” (39) [1] Atticus understood this more than anyone in To Kill a Mockingbird; he used his knowledge and understanding to teach his kids and others this important life lesson. [] Walter Cunningham is a boy in first grade, who was a lower-class boy, and was misunderstood by many people. [] Calpurnia was the mother-like figure in Scout and Jem's youth and because of this she had great impact on their lives. [] Arthur Radley was another misunderstood soul and looked upon as mentally ill. [] “Atticus was right, One time he said you never really know a man until you stand in his shoes and walk around in “Scout, I think I am beginning to understand something. I think I’m beginning to understand why Boo Radley’s stayed shut up in the house all this time… it’s because he wants to stay inside.” (304) Throughout the novel, there were a lot of speculations about Boo Radley, and if he was dead or if he stabbed his dad in the leg with scissors fifteen years ago. Miss Maudie had made the point that she hasn’t seen him carried out of the house so he is not dead, which leaves Scout, Jem, and Dill curious of who Boo Radley is. Jem steps into Boo’s skin when he realizes that Boo was lucky because he stayed away from all of the drama and hypocrites. “Daylight…in my mind, the night faded. It was daytime and the neighborhood was busy. Miss Stephanie Crawford crossed the street to tell the latest to Miss Rachel. Miss Maudie bent over her azaleas. It was summertime, and two children scampered down the sidewalk toward a man approaching in the distance. The man waved, and the children raced each other to him…” Scout finally understood what it was like to be in Boo’s skin because she saw the years go by while standing on the porch of his house. All she needed to do was stand on the porch to realize how Boo was watching them throughout the years and wanted to be friends with them, but the only way he felt he could was through the knot-hole and helping them out, like when he gave them the blanket without them even realizing it. By just sanding on his porch, Scout, had changed her perspective on how Boo lived his everyday

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