Who Is Paul Galdone's Little Red Riding Hood?

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Little Red Riding Hood, by Paul Galdone, is a children’s book that inspires and is meant to remind the audience to follow directions. It inspires the audience by combining fable characters to real world experiences such as children talking to strangers and listening to your parents and being more careful when going places you are not as familiar with. While some of the dialogue of Little Red Riding Hood, by Paul Galdone could be more in the intended audiences reading level, it's interesting storyline, visual elements, and focus on the value of following directions make this book more than worthy of inclusion on list of the “Top 100 Children’s Books”. Little Red Riding Hood, by Paul Galdone is a children's book generally for early elementary reading level. It focuses on a young girl,Little Red Riding Hood, who was instructed by her mother to deliver cake and wine to her ill grandmother. Her mother strictly told her not to speak to anyone but the Little Red Riding Hood did anyway. She spoke to a wolf , who questioned her about where she was going. Not knowing any better Little Red Ridding Hood …show more content…

In the story Little Red Ridding Hood an important learning lesson I received was the value of listening to your parents. When Little Red Ridding Hood’s mother told her not to speak to other people, as she go on the journey to her grandmother house, she did anyway which lead to her telling the wolf too much information about where she was going and why she was going there. If she had followed the directions her mother had given, not to talk to anyone, her it all could have been avoided and she and her grandmother would have never been. Not only did Little Red Ridding Hood speak to the wolf when instructed not to by her mother, she allowed him to walk with her for a short period of

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