Who Is Napoleon A Leader In Animal Farm

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In the book Animal Farm by George Orwell there was an animal that stuck out to me and that animal is Napoleon. The name Napoleon comes from a long list of great leaders. Napoleon was an important leader in this book because he was the leader of the farm.

Napoleon was a powerful leader in this book because he used a specialty of his called fear. Napoleon was planning to be in charge before he was, just like he premeditated it. After Snowball was forced off the farm by the dogs is when Napoleon could finally start taking charge. Napoleon keeps power by telling the animals that if they don’t listen Mr. Jones will come back. For the most part that is what the animals are scared of, but there are also other reasons. Another reason the animals are to scared to stand up to Napoleon is because of the dogs. The dogs are like a second …show more content…

He abuses his powers by changing the commandments that were written before he became in charge. He would change them to make them more beneficial for him and the pigs. In the book he also gives the other animals roles and jobs that they have to do. Napoleon orders the animals to do more work on the farm and receive lesser rations of food. Napoleon is using his power to turn the animals into work horses. Napoleon is often seen less and just heard from, just like the leaders in this day in age. When you’re seen less then the animals can’t come find you when something goes wrong. Although Napoleon is seen as a bad leader he did a lot of things right. He got the animals to work together and when the windmill was destroyed he got them to start building it again. He also got the animals to believe they got a victory against the battle of Frederick. Which they didn't really get a victory almost everyone was injured. Napoleon was a good leader because he didn’t sit back and ask all the animals how they could make the farm better, instead he takes control and says how he's going to make it

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