Who Is Lennie Innocent

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When someone is described as “innocent”, people tend to think of them as harmless, kind, and naive. While this is true for the majority of people described this way, Lennie’s character, in the story Of Mice and Men, portrays the opposite of this stereotype. Lennie’s innocence ends up getting him into major trouble with himself and others. In the novella Of Mice and Men, John Steinbeck exemplifies through the characterization of Lennie how innocence can get one into dangers that could possibly cost them their life. Lennie’s innocent, carefree character causes Lennie many conflicts, whether it be internal or external. As Lennie has a mental disability of sorts, his true character is often masked by his actions. Being a simple minded person, …show more content…

For example, as Curley is yelling at the men, Lennie starts to smile, but he is actually thinking about how he will get to tend the rabbits and the ranch him and George will own. Curley takes Lennie’s facial expression as an insult and picks a fight with him. Lennie is scared to stand up for himself until George says, “‘Get ’im Lennie!’ The next minute Curley was flopping like a fish on a line, and his closed fist was lost in Lennie’s hand.”(63) Lennie’s innocence caused him not to stand up for himself, but when he did, he soon saw that he had taken it too far. Another example of Lennie’s cluelessness and innocence is when Curley’s wife comes in and starts talking to him about her life story. She asks him to feel her hair and all of a sudden he grabs her and won’t let go. Curley’s wife shouts, “‘Look out, now, you’ll muss it.’ And then she cried angrily, ‘You stop it now!’ She flopped like a fish…’” (91)This time Lennie went too far and killed Curley’s wife. Lennie’s innocence protects merely himself, however not the people around him. When Curley finds out that Lennie is the culprit, he wants him killed. Curley exclaims,“‘I'm gonna get him. I'm going for my shotgun. I'll kill the big son-of-a- myself. I'll shoot 'im in the guts. Come on, you guys.’”(96) George makes

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