Who Is Happy And Prosperous In The Great Gatsby

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To humans, being successful and prosperous means obtaining as many material goods as possible. This idea has lead to an extremely materialistic society. Similar to today, the population during the interwar period was incredibly focused on becoming as wealthy as possible, and living very luxurious lives. This depiction of luxurious living is shown mostly through novels such as Great Gatsby and Grapes of Wrath. Being prosperous means being financially sound and succeed in a materialistic society, and that is a perfect description of Gatsby. John Gatsby appears to have everything he could possibly want: wealth, fame, power, mystery, but he could not in fact, have true love. To prosper in America did not mean to flourish emotionally or mentally. It did not mean expanding the mind through education or traveling to immerse oneself in different cultures; it meant only to be successful financially and obtain power through that. The people in power do not seem to be those with the best education or mindset, however they still continue to prosper in society. This is a struggle that humanity has faced for thousands of years, and yet it is still inevitable. Prospering during the interwar period meant obtaining great wealth and being generous with that given success, and attaining lots of power both domestically and internationally. …show more content…

Like today, being wealthy gave an individual a great advantage over the rest of society, and therefore every human strived to become well-off. Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald is one of the most acclaimed novels of this time, and it is in fact, a telling story of wealth and power. In the large community of West Egg, Gatsby seems to not only prosper financially, but also become increasing popular with its residents. Gatsby is mysterious and foreign in this community, and the idea of befriending him entices the

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