Whiplash Andrew Fletcher Quotes

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In Damien Chazelle’s 2014 musical drama Whiplash, the titular hero, Andrew Neiman, is a protagonist who is willing to risk it all to achieve greatness. Andrew’s blood, sweat, and tears are sacrificed in his pursuit of becoming a highly esteemed drummer while believing that any and all company he keeps will only set him back, whether it be his friends or his girlfriend. Curiously enough, the only person he does allow in his head is his teacher Terence Fletcher, an elite professor known for his harsh style that has supposedly driven some to insanity and even suicide. As the movie progresses, the audience can only witness Andrew’s mental state crumble and deteriorate under Fletcher’s constant litany of humiliation, leading us to question why Andrew puts up with Fletcher’s barrage of not only physical, but mental abuse. In Whiplash, Andrew’s quest to become one of the greats by means of immense suffering is a type of self-justification in which his miseries are rationalized and pushed aside. In doing so, Andrew sacrifices not only his physical wellbeing, but also his fundamental morals to become perfect. In Whiplash, these type of instances continue building on top of each other until …show more content…

By believing that Fletcher’s abuse grants him the right to continue playing, Andrew is actively justifying his actions by means of abuse. After he is expelled from the music school, when questioned about what it is exactly that is driving him, he goes blank. Without Fletcher’s presence in his life, our protagonist begins to reflect on why he had acted in the way he did. His passionate love for drumming had initially gone hand in hand with his motivation, but as the movie persists, we see Andrew become nothing more than a hollow shell of perfection. Upon the end of the movie, he earns Fletcher’s approval, but it comes at the cost of his

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