Where Are the Children by Mary Higgins Clark

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"Life is neither good or evil, but only a place for good and evil." (Aurelius, Marcus). Where Are the Children by Mary Higgins Clark is about a woman named Nancy Harmon whose two children were kidnapped and murdered. She was accused of being responsible for the deaths and was sentenced to death, but juror misconduct and the absence of a witness prevented any further legal proceedings from occurring. She moved across the country, remarried, had two more children, and tried to begin a new life until one day when her children disappeared. They were eventually found unharmed at Nancy’s former husband’s house, where he was planning to kill them. The theme of good against evil is the primary basis of the novel, and many aspects of the book, including the plot, settings, and characters, contributed to the formation of the theme.

The book’s plot played an important role in developing the struggle between good and evil theme. An evil event that was in the novel’s plot was the abduction of Missy and Michael. Carl kidnapped them while they were playing outside and took them to his house. This event was evil because Carl was planning to kill them and it would cause the tragedy that occurred when Nancy’s other children were murdered to happen all over again. One good happening in the plot was when Dorothy found Missy’s mitten as she was leaving Courtney’s house. She found the mitten in the driveway and soon realized that the children were in Courtney’s house. She relayed the information to Nancy and it led to Nancy going to Courtney’s house and finding the children. This event was good because it lead to the children being recovered unharmed. Furthermore, the climax of the novel supported the good part of the good versus evil th...

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...uding the plot, settings, and characters, helped form the good versus evil theme that was evident in the novel. Several good and evil plot events were in the book. The abduction of Michael and Missy was an evil event and the finding of Missy’s mitten and the climax were good events. The novel was also comprised of good and evil settings. The blizzard and Courtney’s large house supported the evil part of the novel. The proximity of Nancy and Courtney’s houses was a good part of the setting. Additionally, the characters played a role in the formation of the theme. Nancy and Ray were good characters as they put their lives at risk for their children. Carl was an evil character because he killed Nancy’s mother as well as his and Nancy’s children. These three elements present in the book helped develop the good vs. evil theme that the novel was primarily based on.

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