Where Are You Going Where Have You Been Connie Quotes

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In Joyce Carol Oates’, “ Where are You going Where have you been,” it was a sunday morning when Arnold continues another one of his daily routines. The main girl, Connie, is a self-centered and shy girl, whose mother is always puts her in the background and makes her feel excluded. For instance, her mother says rude comments like “you think your so pretty” and “you don't see your sister using that junk” (1). Then a guy came into her life. “Where are You Going Where Have You been illustrates a man who uses charms and good looks to get young or middle aged women to satisfy himself, but with this one girl he has some trouble along the way. Arnolds uses his charms and good looks when he enters to start off his adventure. It is clear that Connie enjoyed …show more content…

The first example of threatening her is when he says “Connie, don't fool around with me. I mean- I mean, don't fool around(7).” He starts to make Connie feel scared and nervous. He refuses to let her go and for them to leave. It seems as if he is on a mission to capture as many women as possible such as the numbers might represent. In the same way, it seems as if connie is letting him because she is lonely and she did catch his attention. Arnold portrays a guy who knows how to persuade people and then when he doesn't get his way it leads to violence. His personality and tactics are different from a normal stalker or stranger. At one point in the story he mentions how he is going to “come inside[her] where it's all secret and [she'll] give in(8),”. When he said that he was finally labelled as a kidnapper, rapist, or still a stalker officially. Connie knew what was going to happen and she wanted to do something but she couldn't. All the things Arnold says and does didn't help him in the long run because he had to turn into the mean old man or eighteen year old, like he said, and it ruined his chance of being able to capture

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