When My Sister Killed Me Research Paper

498 Words1 Page

Shopnil Ray
3 January 2018
Personal Narrative When my Sister Hated me It was a smoldering, hot day on June 22nd and me and my sister were washing dishes. Then my dad came in holding a big box and had a very happy expression on his face. We both left are plates there and we both rushed towards my dad as the speed of lightning and he had a big box in his hands. I was wondering what could be in that box that would make my dad that happy? He said he …show more content…

Next I secretly followed them upstairs into my parent’s room to see what they were up to. But I couldn’t see what they were doing clearly because the door was just open a little bit. All I could see is my dad handing the big box to my sister and they both had a really happy face like they just went to a roller coaster and that’s when I saw the side of the box. At that moment my subspecies face turned into a really mad face. What I saw was a brand new laptop and it was my sister. So I just stomped to my dad and said “why didn’t I get anything”! my dad answered “of course I got you something”. I said “really what did you get me”. He said “I got you a nerf water gun”. I ran to my room with a very disappointed face. Then they went downstairs and I looked everywhere in my sister’s room but, I couldn’t find the laptop. So I looked at the last place on top of my sister’s dresser and I got a chair and I looked there. I found it there and I was ready to shoot it with my water gun but,

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