Cherishing Life: Insights from John Keats

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Death is the one thing promised to us in life, and in present times, it seems we are all trying to cheat the inevitable end. Some would say we are successful since we have extended the average lifespan to an incredible to 79 years, but we still die eventually. Perhaps one day we will find a “fountain of youth” and harness eternal life; however we don’t know when this technology will be useful for us and we have to cherish the time we have. John Keats poem When I Have Fears That I May Cease to Be, really emphasizes on how important enjoying life is. John Keats had to learn firsthand on how to preserve every moment he had left. Keats knew he was to die at a young age and knew his time left on Earth was limited. On the contrary, I intend on living a very long and happy life. Before I die I want to accomplish many things. Out of all of those things, there is three which I want to complete the most; first to travel to world, next to …show more content…

I know it sounds ridiculously cheesy, but I have a good reason. Never before now have I been in a relationship. I find high school relationships to be the worst of the worst. The amount of effort the couples carry out it childish and a waste of time. This essay in particular is about things I would much rather waste my time on anyway. I am waiting until I leave high school and travel a bit. I don’t want to seclude myself to the small about of boys around or school and I want to make sure I find the “one.” Maybe I will find them before my travels and we can see the world together. I know this a bit random, but a while back I saw a quote by Bill Murray that made a whole lot of sense to me. “If you have someone that you think is the one, buy a plane ticket for two and travel the world with them. If you still love them in the end, marry them.” That really shows how much connection you have with a person after you travel with

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