When I Decided To File For Bankruptcy Essay

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If you have decided to file for bankruptcy and are also thinking about filing for bankruptcy yourself, you should reconsider. There are forms available at legal stores, so it would seem an easy thing to do. But there are many problems that you are likely to encounter. The following are just three reasons to consult with an attorney.

You may not qualify
It is not as simple as deciding you want to declare bankruptcy as if it is some right that you have. You must qualify for a bankruptcy, and determining whether you do qualify can become complicated because it relates to the median income for your state as well as the assets you have. And some of your assets may be exempt from a bankruptcy. Additionally, there are two forms of individual bankruptcy. There is a Chapter 13 filing as well as Chapter 7. Although you may want to file for Chapter 7, you may not qualify, but you may still …show more content…

Creditors have a right to their money, so if a bankruptcy judge discovers any assets that are not deemed a necessity, you may have to sell them to pay your creditors. Also, creditors can attempt to get the money owed to them in a variety of ways. Many of these methods may be legal, but it doesn't mean you are required to pay. If you have an attorney, all communication about your debt is handled by your attorney. He or she will not be fooled by a creditor. They know the law. You do not.

Don't worry about the cost of an attorney for bankruptcy. The initial consultation for a bankruptcy is often free, and the fees charged by an attorney are paid for in various ways. With a Chapter 13 filing, your fees may be rolled into the total amount that you will be paying in installments to a court trustee. With a Chapter 7 filing, an attorney will often allow you to make payments directly to him or her. Bankruptcy attorneys understand that their clients have limited financial

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