What are the Effects of Smoking on the Respiratory System?

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What are the Effects of Smoking on the Respiratory System?
When a cigarette is lit, over 7,000 chemicals are released; however, several hundred are toxic. Why would an individual consume a toxic waste bomb? Smoking is dangerous and it does damage too many areas of the human body. This occurrence takes place first within the respiratory system. This toxic fume enters the lungs causing severe damage from the beginning. The long-term effect of smoking in the body destroys the lungs.
In this process chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) which can be compare to lung cancer. If a person has asthma they should not allow any one in their personal space, because it only increases an attack. If the smoker continues this path they can develop a related sickness called pneumonia. Smoking can also produce an unpleasant odor in the mouth known as halitosis, which dries the tongue. Smoking causes numerous health risks, but this focus of study is on the respiratory system.
The probability of lung cancer forming consists of a smoker’s consumption. The greater the consumption, the risks of cancer increases. In a study of the population on men who smoked, in 1990, it showed a decline in deaths of men who smoked from 880 per million to around 628 per million by 1999. Female with lung cancer were half the amount at only 301 deaths per million in the year 1999 (Nursing Times.Net, 2004). The trachea becomes inflamed causing severe pain. As a result of this it causes the collapse of the airways making it more difficult to breath. As it continues mucus begins to clog the airway and the poison of the cigarettes destroy the air sacs decreasing the flow of blood and oxygen. Lastly, lung tissue starts to misconfigure creating scar...

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...erage of 13.2 and 14.5 years of life the risks of dying from lung cancer before 85 are 22.1% for men and 11.9% for women, who currently smoke. Lung cancer, heart attacks, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, are the leaders of deaths caused by smoking (boundless, 2014). In addition bronchus, pharynx, esophageal, and trachea cancer are respiratory diseases caused by smoking. Smoking begins a path of destruction from the beginning and continues to destroy the body if the practice continues. The body becomes recessive and cannot recover so when someone becomes overwhelmed with problems and reach for a cigarette, it becomes a trigger for the habit to become repetition. Then it becomes difficult to break and becomes habit forming. The only prevention is to avoid smoking at all cost or pay the price of respiratory cancers, or even worse pay with your life.

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